Lately, requests to “check out” this or that design have been frequent. I always try to help those in need, hoping for God’s grace. But the problem is that there is usually nothing to appreciate.

Many mistakes wander from layout to layout, from one designer to another. They are like a disease that needs to be treated urgently. But no one deals with it, because some people don’t give a damn and others don’t have enough experience.

How to heal the problem

To get rid of the trivial problems and improve design skills, you just need to know and understand the fundamentals of web design. That’s what we’re going to talk about.

A website is a system

A system is what will help to build a logically correct site that effectively performs its tasks. Arranging elements and bringing similar elements to a common denominator is an important and responsible step in the web development phase.

Take a close look at the design you created. Are you sure that the three multi-colored “Buy” buttons in the first screen, will help increase the conversion rate of the site? Ignoring the modular grid – as well will not give people an orgasm.

Get the layouts in order. Each category of elements should look and work equally and predictably.

Beauty is Utopia

Many designers behave like designers, and it’s incredibly awful. A real designer should behave like an engineer, for whom the concept of beauty is alien. What matters to him is efficiency, and everything else is mistrust and prejudice. Therefore, each element on the page, must perform a specific role.

Reasoning should be something like this: an image on the whole screen – this is not a tribute to beauty or fashion, it is an image that enhances the emotional component of the project and encourages visitors to take action.

I recommend reading:
Designing Web Interfaces. B. Scott, T. Neil

Stupidity is the norm

No one is going to think about how your interface works. Therefore, the design should be developed with the idea that 90% of visitors – complete idiots. In this case, he (the interface) will get a simple and understandable, not overloaded with complicated logic and pointless animation.

Simplicity and convenience – the main criteria for which you need to strive. Often it is exactly the opposite.

I recommend reading it:

Don’t make me think. Steve Krug.
Web Design. Elements of the interaction experience. D. Garrett.

Color is an emotion

The choice of color scheme of the site and in particular its individual elements should be approached carefully and cautiously. Color, like images, creates an emotion. It is very important that this emotion was correct and consistent with the task of the site.

I would recommend to learn more about the theory of choice and perception of colors. But, preferably not the one in which red is the color of blood and yellow is the color of urine.

I recommend reading it:

Harmony of color. Intense Colors. M. Gill.
Harmony of Color. Pastel tones. M. Gill
Harmony of colors. Natural colors. M. Gill

Typography is life

A careless, irresponsible and untalented attitude to typography can bring the whole process of a designer’s work to naught. Choosing a font and working with it properly is an important and difficult task, but it’s worth talking about it in a separate, longer article.

I recommend reading it:

The New Typography. A guide for the modern designer. Jan Chichold

In conclusion

To make a quality design product, as in any other profession, it is important to learn the basics. In this case, the basics of web design.

This will help you grow dramatically within your profession and make really smart and proper sites.